Programme - ELoGE

Gli attori, le fasi e i principali eventi dell’edizione 2023

ELoGE in Italia 2022

ELoGE in Friuli Venezia Giulia 2021


ELoGE – European Label of Governance Excellence is a programme of the Council of Europe – Centre of Expertise for Good Governance.

After the 2021 edition, AICCRE FVG will implement the European Programme for the second round in FVG Region. ELoGE FVG 2023 will involve numerous Municipalities of Friuli Venezia Giulia in a self-assessment exercise by the adhering local administrations, with respect to the matrix (Benchmark) of the 12 European Principles of Good Democratic Governance.

This self-assessment will be corroborated with data collected from citizens, administrative staff and elected representatives of the participating municipalities, through questionnaires and structured listening sessions. The Label will finally be awarded to the municipalities that most closely reflect the 12 Principles in their work, during a Final Award Ceremony.

The Programme was presented through a Launch Conference held in July this year, at the FVG Regional Headquarters in Udine as part of the European Academy Programme.

ELoGE FVG 2023 – Pilot programme

ELoGE FVG 2023 is a pilot programme that will strengthen Good Governance at the local level. For this reason it will be the first time ever, that the new operational tools (Benchmark and surveys) will be tested, reformulated and recalibrated by the Council of Europe starting from its primary Fundamentals such as the respect, protection and promotion of democracy, human rights and the rule of law, the observance of the highest standards of public ethics, the practice of good administration and the provision of high quality local public services.

The standards of Good Democratic Governance, at all levels of government, take the form of the Council of Europe’s 4 Fundamentals and 12 Principles. The Fundamentals of Good Democratic Governance are therefore, the hallmark of a well-functioning democracy and, together with the Principles, provide models to be followed in exercising governance that responds to the legitimate needs and expectations of citizens in an effective manner and truly conforms to the democratic values indispensable for peace, prosperity and economic and social progress.


  • Improving and enhancing the Good Democratic Governance of local administrations in Friuli Venezia Giulia.
  • To foster the democratic participation of citizens in the public life of their municipality.
  • Understand the strengths and weaknesses of local government decision-making and public service delivery.
  • Acquire new tools to ensure the active engagement of citizens through a non-confrontational platform of structured dialogue.
  • Acquire greater capacity on the part of municipalities to use more innovative and congenial tools with respect to the dissemination of Good Democratic Governance practices at the local level.
  • To disseminate and use the good practices of other local communities identified during the evaluation process aimed at awarding the ELoGE FVG recognition.

Federazione Friuli Venezia Giulia

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