Project – SUPREME -Support to the drafting and management of EU-financed projects

Client: Province of Gorizia
Period: 2013-2014

Description: This pilot project of participatory project-making is aimed at the municipalities of the Province of Gorizia. It stems from the will of the Province of Gorizia to create a network between the municipalities, allowing for the drafting of successful projects over the programming period 2014 – 2020.

The project aims at helping the Public Administration in using European and international funds, giving to public administrators a better European awareness and skills to manage European projects.

SU.PR.E.M.E. – SUpporto per la PRogettazione E il Management Europei

Training on participatory project design and management for the Public Administration


This pilot project of participatory project making is aimed at the municipalities of the Province of Gorizia. It stems from the will of the Province of Gorizia to create a net between the municipalities, allowing for successful projects on the programming period 2014 – 2020.

The project aims at helping the Public Administration in using European and international funds, giving to public administrators a better European awareness and skills to manage European projects. It stems from the ever-growing need of Italian PAs of abilities in using European funds in a competitive, sustainable way.

The project included:

  1. A first phase that consisted in communicating to local administrations of the Provincia of Gorizia open European opportunities, aiming for the creation an objective and pro-active approach in the PA. An introductory meeting was organised, explaining European project managing, work instruments and funding opportunities of the new European programmes 2014 – 2020;
  2. A second phase that included the identification of the needs of the local territory through a participatory approach. Debating and sharing ideas and experience will hopefully bring to the creation of local partnership. A second meeting was organised, focusing on the needs felt by local administrators regarding four areas of interest (environment, tourism, infrastructure, culture and youth).

A meeting was held on September the 1, where local administrators further clarified their desired goals and course of actions regarding the Tourism sector. The meeting contained the revision of a logical framework created from the previous encounters, that allowed to map existing resources to be used in future projects.

The project will develop with further meetings aiming at

  • keeping open a space for debating and sharing different ideas and needs of the territory;
  • offering support in identifying and managing the project proposals made by the local administrations.
Participate in the online survey

12.06.2014 – Meeting with municipalities of the Province of Gorizia

Materials (ITA):

09.07.2014 – Meeting II  – Tables Tourism and Environment

Materials (ITA):

25.07.2014 – Meeting III – Tables Tourism and Environment – Participatory review of project proposals

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