Programme - ELoGE

Gli attori, le fasi e i principali eventi dell’edizione 2023

ELoGE in Italia 2022

ELoGE in Friuli Venezia Giulia 2021


FUNDAMENTAL 1 – The respect for, and ptotection and promotion of, democracy, human rights and the rule of law

Principle 1 – Democratic participation

Democratic participation should be effective and inclusive, including regular, free and fair elections to legislatures, assemblies and other public institutions, in conjunction with meaningful engagement by government and public institutions with those whom they serve.

Principle 2 – Human rights

The respect for human rights which protect everyone and which embody the values of fairness, dignity, equality and respect should be ensured, in accordance with European and international standards, including the Statute of the Council of Europe (ETS No. 1) and the European Convention on Human Rights (ETS No. 5).

Principle 3 – Rule of law

The rule of law should be respected, thus providing everyone with legal certainty, including foreseeable law, in which everyone is treated in a dignified, equal, rational and proportional manner, within a framework in which the separation of powers and the independence of the judiciary are guaranteed throughout the country.

FUNDAMENTAL 2 – The observance of the highest standards of public ethics and integrity in the exercise of power and public responsabilities

Principle 4 – Public ethics

The highest standards of public ethics should be strictly observed, enabling everyone to have confidence that government, public institutions and public officials are serving the public good.

Principle 5 – Accountability

Accountability mechanisms should be in place to ensure that government, public institutions and public officials take responsibility for their actions and decisions and can be held to account, and that they accept any consequences or proportionate sanctions for inappropriate decisions or omissions.

Principle 6 – Openess and transparency

Openness and transparency should be ensured, by making the decision-making processes of government, public institutions and public officials publicly available and accessible – subject to the limitations set down in law, necessary in a democratic society and proportionate to the aims such limitations seek to protect – including by utilising, as appropriate, modern digital tools.

FUNDAMENTAL 3 – The practice of good administrator

Principle 7 – Efficient, effective and sound administration

There should be efficient, effective and sound administration throughout government and public institutions, involving all public officials, in order to promote the well-being of all those they serve, without discrimination, including through optimising the use of public resources.

Principle 8 – Leadership, capability and capacity

There should be consistent and sustainable efforts towards strengthening the organisational leadership of government and public institutions, and the capabilities and capacities of all public officials, so that the fundamentals of good democratic governance are effective.

Principle 9 – Responsiveness

Government, public institutions and public officials should be responsive to the legitimate expectations and needs of those whom they serve.

FUNDAMENTAL 4 – The provision of high-quality public services and economic, social and environmental wellbeing

Principle 10 – Sound financial and economic management

There should be sound financial and economic management throughout government and public institutions, and by all public officials, in order to ensure the optimal use of public resources and the implementation of policies that promote the well-being and prosperity of everyone.

Principle 11 – Sustainability and long-term orientation

Efforts should be made to maximise the sustainability of decisions and actions taken by government, public institutions and public officials, and to take into account their potential impact on future generations and the ability of those generations to address their own needs.

Principle 12 – Openness to change and innovation

Government, public institutions and public officials should be ready to proactively embrace change and innovation, where this would improve the resilience and quality of public services, taking into account evolving expectations and realities and by engaging widely with others to draw on good practice and enhance knowledge.


Federazione Friuli Venezia Giulia

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