Title: Manual on Removing Obstacles to CBC
Author: ISIG
Year: 2014
Publisher: Council of Europe
Pages: 182
Language: English
Download: Full Text

Abstract: The Manual provides a compilation and an analysis of both difficulties recorded across the frontiers and solutions found to overcome them.
It has been elaborated on the basis of a major survey launched in 2009 by the ministers responsible for local and regional government of the 47 member States. The data collected through a questionnaire have been systematized and organized in such a way as to enable all actors of cross-border cooperation to find examples and solutions that may meet their particular needs.
The Manual is a snapshot of the situation at the end of 2013. It is complemented by an electronic platform hosted by ISIG that will be constantly updated with new data and experience (
This Manual will prove useful to all those involved in crossborder cooperation – central governments, local and regional authorities, associations and citizens – who are encouraged to disseminate, to use and to enrich it through the electronic platform.


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