Title: Luci sull’immortalità. Religioni storiche, movimenti, new age (Lights on immortality. Historic religions, movements, New Age) – Futuribili 2-3
Author: Cingolani G., Urpis O. (eds.)
Year: 1999
Publisher: Franco Angeli, Milano
Pages: 528
Language: Italian
Abstract: We are witnessing today what many have called the “return of the sacred”: religiosity, albeit in new forms, keeps returning to public attention, with a vitality that belies those who prophesied its demise in the Western complex societies. This raises new questions about the essence of the religious phenomenon, but also about the relationship between religion and society and among different faiths, in a context in which religious pluralism seems to be irreversible.
In the first part of the issue, these topics are addressed from a sociological, philosophical and theological point of view. Also. the new forms of religiosity are taken into consideration, with a particular attention to developments and needs that motivate the present-day phenomenon of New Age. The second part collects the analysis of leading members of the great religious traditions present in Italy. These religions, which have a long and rich history, are urged to give adequate answers to the new cultural climate, even to meet the challenge of new and emerging forms of spiritual initiation. In the third part, the most significant spiritual realities currently widespread in Italy are directly presented. Sixteen non-Christian spiritual experiences, often of Oriental origin, six Christian denominations and six other relatively recent Catholic spiritual experiences are illustrated and discussed.