Title: Illegalità-legalità e nuovi patti sociali. Dalla Russia all’Italia per l’Europa (Legality-illegality and new social pacts. From Russia to Italy for the Europe) – Futuribili 3
Author: Aa.Vv.
Year: 1994
Publisher: Franco Angeli, Milano
Pages: 240
Language: Italian
The transition from the assessment of “illegality” to the assessment of “legality” is often the time when the reading of reality is diametrically opposite, in which the “new legal” contrasts with the “old illegal.” At this moment a genetic change occurs: corruption and lawlessness of the past turn out, economies or their strong segments collapse, political or party balance collapse, new parties arise with new features and structures.Legality and illegality can be a viewpoint, but also can identify a process for the construction of a new order, can be operational categories of societal transformation.
This basic assumption is applied to the analysis of three realities that seem emblematic of this process: Italy, Russia, Central-Eastern Europe.