Discovering the European Union: how to become the citizens of the future

On the occasion of the eightieth year since the realisation of the Ventotene Manifesto, AICCRE FVG has promoted a call: “The Europe I would like: 80 years after the Ventotene Manifesto”. addressed to the schools of the FVG Region. In this regard, three online workshops were organised in early February under the coordination of ISIG researchers. The three events were attended by students from the Liceo Scientifico G. Marinelli in Udine and the ISS Sacile-Brugnera.

The topics dealt during the three workshops aroused a lot of interest and enthusiasm in the participants, who were made aware and informed about the functioning of the European institutions, the presence of Europe in everyday life and, finally, the volunteering, training and work opportunities for young European citizens.


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