Title: City-To-City Cooperation Toolkit
Author: ISIG
Year: 2015
Publisher: Council of Europe
Pages: 126
Language: English
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Abstract: The new Toolkit on City-to-City Cooperation, or C2C, is an additional contribution of the Council of Europe (CoE) Centre of Expertise for Local Government Reform to proposing practical solutions for cooperation between municipalities. The first Toolkit on this subject, the Inter-Municipal Cooperation or IMC1 appeared in 2010 and focused on cooperation between the municipalities of the same area in the same country, in order to improve public services. The second Toolkit, on Cross-Border Cooperation was published in 2012 – it proposed practical guidance on cooperation between the municipalities, which share a border between the countries. The C2C Toolkit of 2015 takes this cooperation into the next level – the municipalities can establish direct and successful cooperation, even though they are situated in different countries, which do not share the same border.

