2022, Anno, Aree di Ricerca, Finanziamento, Governance e Sviluppo sostenibile, Locali, Progetto, Tipologia Alpine Pearls
2021, Anno, News, Tipologia Workshop online for the promotion of the Western Balcans Cross-border cooperation at local level
2020, Anno, News, Tipologia Conference celebrating 5 years of collaboration between AEBR and CESCI in the Balkans
2020, Anno, News, Tipologia New strategies to strengthen the Intermunicipal Coooperation in Lithuania
2020, Anno, News, Tipologia Training of Trainers for the Implementation of the Toolkit “Inter-Municipal Cooperation” in Lithuania, 23-24 July 2020.
2019, Anno, News, Tipologia Presentation of the joined candidacy to the event: “Culture-The Italian Way that is good for the economy. And also to the heart”
edures, Friuli Venezia Giulia Friuli Venezia Giulia advances in education crises management with an important online meeting