Project – EYES

Client: ERASMUS+ KA1 Youth mobility, European Commission-DG Education and Culture
Period:  2014-2015

Partner: ALDA-Association of Local Democracy Agencies (FR) – lead partner; ISIG-Institute of International Sociology in Gorizia (IT); Center for Research Cooperation and Development (AL); Fundación Privada Indera (ES); City Assembly of Subotica (SR); Birgu Local Council (M); RAM Central Stara Planina (BG); Associazione per l’Ambasciata della Democrazia Locale a Zavidovici (BiH); Comune di Ravenna (IT); “Local Democracy Agency” Foundation (AM); Gruppo Europeo di Interesse Economico:  I Teatini Institutional European Network (IT); Mountain Community Iezer Muscel Association (RO); Association Centre for sustainable community development (MK); Horizont (AL); Istituto Scientifico Biomedico Euro Mediterraneo SCPA–ISBEM (IT); Foundation for partnership and civil society development (HR); Coalition of youth organizations SEGA (MK); Center Women and Modern World (AZ); Yasar Universitesi (TR); Local Democracy Agency Georgia (GE)

Description: Implementation of the mobility project ERASMUS, which aims to put the civic participation of young Europeans at the service of health and environment. The main objective is to involve youth workers active in the field of health promotion and protection of the environment and to ensure that their views are heard at European level.

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