Within the FISC National Meeting (Gorizia, 3 – 5 April), this meeting offers a reflection on the future of Europe and on the idea of a “common European home” when the European Elections are impending, and 100 years after WWI.

There will be two focal points:

– an in-depth look at the Balkans as the place where one century ago “everything started”, to make clear the opportunities that Europe is bringing as a peaceful unit

– a broader reflection on the European Union, to show both the advantages of belonging together and the challenges created by the recent waves of Euro-skepticism

The meeting will be attended by FISC journalist and 200 Goritian high-school students.

When: Friday 4th April, 10 am

Where: Sala maggiore del Kinamax, Piazza Vittoria, Gorizia

Confirmed speakers:

  • Dott. Vinzi (Europe Direct, Trieste)
  • Gorizia GECT
  • Dott.ssa Rajko (vice-president, Regione Istriana)
  • Dott. Ademollo (ADL, Agency for Local Democracies)

Moderator: PhD. Del Bianco (director, ISIG)

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