Project – CAPHAZ-NET

Client: European Commission, FP7
Period: 2009-2011

Partners: UFZHelmoltz Centre for Environmental research (DE), lead partner; ISIG–Institute of International Sociology of Gorizia(IT); FHRC-Middlesex University, Flood research centre (UK); ICTA-Autonomous University of Barcelona, Institute of Environmental science and Technology (ES); ZRC SAZU-Scientific research centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SI); Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape research & WSL Institute for Snow & Avalanche research (CH); DIALOGIK-Non-profit institute for communication and cooperative research (DE); Lancaster University, Lancaster environmental centre (UK)

Description: The overall goal of CapHaz-Net is to develop deeper insights and recommendations on how to enhance the capacities of European societies to prepare for, cope with and recover from the impact of ‘natural’ hazards. This is done from a multi-disciplinary perspective (social sciences, practitioners, policy-makers, natural scientists) within an integrated framework that promotes social learning. The first stage of the project investigates and identifies best practices on the themes of risk perception, social vulnerability, risk communication, risk education and risk governance at EU level. The second stage deals with downscaling of the topics investigated at the regional scale and thus develops recommendations concerning specific steps to improve social capacity building of European societies facing natural hazards.

ISIG is responsible for case study analysis during the first phase of the project and for the organization a workshop on (hydrological)disaster management in the Alps.

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