Titolo: Protecting the Adriatic Seaways
Author: Del Bianco Daniele (ed.)
Year: 2008
Publisher: ISIG
Pages: 253
Language: English

Abstract: The volume is the final report of the ProAdrias project (PROtecting the ADRIAtic Seaways), within the EU Program of “Critical Infrastructures Protection”.
The project aims at deepening the knowledge of the Adriatic  Sea Region in terms of Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) and to formulate recommendations for both its safety/security and socio-economic development.
The structure of the volume parallels the project development: analytical attempts to define Critical Infrastructures in the Adriatic; assessment of related risks and threats on CIs, considering both safety and security issues; comparative analysis of operative security plans; analysis of cross-border cooperation relations in the areas of Adriatic; simulation, criticalities, and recommendations.

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