Client: Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (“School” Calls)

Period: 2017

Partners: – Istituto Statale d’Istruzione Superiore “Brignoli-Einaudi-Marconi”, – Centro Provinciale Istruzione Adulti (CPIA), –  Istituto Statale d’Istruzione Superiore “Michelangelo Buonarroti”, – Istituto Statale d’Istruzione Superiore “Sandro Pertini”, –  Istituto Statale Di Istruzione Superiore con lingua d’insegnamento slovena (Liceo delle scienze umane e liceo scientifico “S. Gregorčič” – Liceo classico “P. Trubar”), – Istituto Statale di Istruzione Superiore “Dante Alighieri” , – Istituto Professionale Statale “R.M. Cossar – Leonardo Da Vinci”, – Istituto Statale di Istruzione Superiore “I.Cankar – Z.Zois- J.Vega”

Description: The project proposes a structured school-work alternation path managed by ISIG and based on the experience gained in the analogous path run in 2015/2016. The program includes two workshops:

  • “Planning workshop” – Students are guided in the preparation of the preliminary phase of a project proposal, starting from a brainstorming for collecting cues/ideas (on a topic of interest for their studies, agreed with the teachers), until achieving the identification of objectives, actions and expected results of the project.
  • “Social research workshop” – Students’ activities are structured in 5 meetings, during which they experience the rudiments of social research methodology. In particular, students are guided in the creation of a questionnaire and trained to administer it in schools within the network as well as outside it (supervised by their teachers and ISIG researchers). After data collection students, together with ISIG researchers, prepare the data analysis framework, completing the research cycle.
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