Progetto – European Governance for Regional Authorities (GEAR)

Client: Friuli Venezia Giulia Region

Period: 2018/2019

Partner: AICCRE FVG, ANCI, Council of Europe (Centre of Expertise for Local Governance), Municipality of Gorizia

Description: The GEAR project stems from the consolidated collaboration of ISIG as consultant of the Council of Europe, on the issues of governance and local democracy, and from the willingness to convey this experience also at the regional level. The aim of the project is to promote the involvement of the Municipalities of the FVG Region to informative activities on the principles of good governance, towards a European culture of dialogue, also fostering the inclusion of regional Municipalities within the initiatives promoted by the Council of Europe. The project, in particular, aims to: a) investigate the needs of Municipalities in terms of training, for the achievement of good governance practices, as outlined by the Council of Europe; b) to foster dialogue between Local Authorities and European Institutions; c) to organize events (dissemination and training) on the aforementioned topics.

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