Project – LIGHT ON – Cross-community actions for combating the modern symbolism and languages of racism and discrimination

Client: European Commission / DG Justice
Period: 2013-2015

Partners: Abruzzo Region (IT), lead partner; ISIG–IInstitute of International Sociology, Gorizia (IT); Progetti Sociali Srl. (IT); UNICRI-United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute; ENAR-European Network Against Racism; Ombudsman for Minorities-Ministry of Interior of Finland (FI); Eötvös ‘Lóránd University, Budapest (H); Peace Institute, Ljubljana (SI); The Migrant and Refugee Communities Forum  (UK).

Description: The project underlines how racist symbols and images negatively affect social actors throughout the European community; it aims at developing a common culture of stigmatisation of racism and promoting a proactive role in combating racism, xenophobia and related forms of intolerance. To increase the impact of activities, the project focuses on key players such as police, judiciary and civil society organisations.
The joint approach pursued by the partnership is based on a scientific analysis of local occurrences, hidden symbols of racism and their social perception, providing key role-makers with tools to improve their ability to recognise the negative values of a discriminatory social behaviour and to fight it properly. Consultation with experts in the field evaluates the replicability of tools and products and verifies that project activities effectively respond to discrimination situations.

As part of the overall project, ISIG carries out quantitative research on the symbols and languages of racism in the partner countries and elaborates the final research report both for the qualitative (case studies) and quantitative aspects.

Project website

Download the Final Research Report



The presentation of the results of the workshop held in the closing ceremony of the project:

A video in 5 episodes suggesting ways to respond to discriminatory behavior:

With 15 minutes of your time you can contribute to the LIGHT ON research:

The following are deliverables of the project:

  • LIGHT ON Bliki, a collaborative editor created to raise awareness on the words and expressions of the new racist discourse, including those that are considered normal expressions;
  • Visual database, a database that collects symbols and pictures, shown with the sole purpose to raise awareness on their strong negative impact;
  • Learn2Spot, a practical guide to recognize and act against hate speech online;
  • WebsiteDescription: The project aims to combat the normalization of racism and the images and habits connected to it with a range of innovative and traditional tools direct to local communities, but also to practitioners who deal with law enforcement, through a preventive and participatory approach design to fight discrimination. For this ambitious initiative, the Region of Abruzzo, ISIG and Progetti Sociali will collaborate with European organizations which combat discrimination in the territory in which they operate: the great experience of each partner will be an outstanding contribution to the construction of the LIGHT ON network against racism in Europe. The Consortium develops in Hungary, Italy, Finland, Slovenia and the United Kingdom, in addition to the contribution of organizations operating at European and international level.ISIG tasks: SIG care all part of quantitative research on symbols and racism languages in the partner project countries, prepares the search tool, the following data collection and processes the final research report.Lead Partner:
    • Regione Abruzzo (ITA)

    Project partners:

    • ISIG – Institute of International Sociology of Gorizia (ITA)
    • Social Projects Ltd. (ITA)
    • United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI)
    • European Network Against Racism (ENAR)
    • Finnish Ministry of the Interior (FIN)
    • Eötvös ‘Lóránd University in Budapest (HUN)
    • Peace Institute in Slovenia (SLO)
    • Forum for communities of immigrants and refugees in London (UK)

    LIGHT ON manual, the final report of the project.


The presentation of the results of the workshop held in the closing ceremony of the project:

A video in 5 episodes suggesting ways to respond to discriminatory behavior:

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