Client: Province of Gorizia
Period: 2015-2016

Description: The cultural situation of the Province of Gorizia has always been characterized by high dynamism that contributed, in recent years, to create a large and diverse cultural offer. The Province of Gorizia has implemented an in/formative participatory process by involving the cultural associations, with the aim to achieve a virtuous model of coordination and synergic and structured dialogue.

The project aims to achieve the following objectives:

1. identifying the strengths and weaknesses (internal to the associations) and the opportunities and risks (of the cultural system) starting from the experience of the individual associations;
2. mapping the needs of the cultural organizations;
3. defining the strategy in order to strengthen the overall capacity of the cultural system in the Isonzo area, through a participatory approach;
4. to ensure a horizontal information on funding opportunities (at the regional, national and European level)
5. to define a common operational tool in order to attract such funding sources, through a participatory approach;
6. to provide a specific training on project submission to regional, national and European agencies.

ISIG tasks:

• Identification and mapping of the relevant stakeholders to the Cultural System in the Isonzo area
• Preliminary interviews
• Questionnaire development
• Provision of an on-line platform to upload the questionnaire
• Communication and dissemination of the initiative
• Reporting

Presentation “Finanziamenti alle attività culturali della regione autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia” (“Funding for cultural activities of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region”) – Province of Gorizia, March 9th, 2016

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