European Academy Programme

The European Academy Program (EAP), a European training program organized by AICCRE FVG, with the collaboration of ISIG – Institute of International Sociology of Gorizia under the aegis of the Council of Europe – Center of Expertise for Good Governance, was born precisely from need to strengthen the institutional capacity and skills of the administrators and staff of the local authorities of Friuli Venezia Giulia, so that they are ready to effectively manage the impacts, at a local level, of European policies and fully seize all the opportunities linked to the 2021 European programming 2027.

EAP therefore aims to develop a process of strengthening the skills, knowledge and capabilities necessary to face the challenges and promote effective and sustainable development at the local level, through an interactive training path, supporting local and regional administrators in planning and effective management of resources, facilitating discussion on the topics covered with a view to strengthening Capacity Building practices.

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