European Academy Programme: starting with ELoGE!

The first ELoGE FVG 2023 information workshop was held today. ELoGE is a path of analysis and development of the government action of municipalities for the promotion of good governance, promoted by the Council of Europe. ELoGE involves local administrations in a self-assessment exercise by the participating municipalities, compared to the matrix (Benchmark) of the 12 […]

General Assembly I-SEAMORE

We were guests of our partners at INOV in Lisbon for the I-SEAMORE General Assembly which took place on 20 and 21/09/2023. An opportunity to get in touch with our consortium partners, plan future developments of the project and present the results of our research activities on social aspects, ethics and privacy. ISIG researchers presented the […]

Leadership Academy Program in Finland

In the past few days, we were in Finland for the Second Stage of the Council of Europe’s Leadership Academy Program! The possibility for us as Institute to work with local administrators in Finland is an amazing chance of developing new skills, experience and… working on Good Governance! The second stage of the Leadership Academy […]

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