FirEUrisk keeps going on!

We were in Stockholm from the 26th util the 30th of September for the 6th Plenary meeting of FirEUrisk project ambitiously titled “Navigating wildfire risk: Integrating perspectives for a unified solution”. After a field visit in the Swedish forests looking at ecological successions following wildfires, we gathered to discuss last developments and next steps of […]

General Assembly I-SEAMORE

We were guests of our partners at INOV in Lisbon for the I-SEAMORE General Assembly which took place on 20 and 21/09/2023. An opportunity to get in touch with our consortium partners, plan future developments of the project and present the results of our research activities on social aspects, ethics and privacy. ISIG researchers presented the […]

Questionario transfrontaliero per il progetto SAFE – CITIES

🇬🇧Are you a citizen of Gorizia or Nova Gorica? With the SAFE-CITIES project we are focusing on the perception, awareness and acceptance of security systems for the protection of public spaces! You can contribute to the analysis of the level of acceptance and trust of security systems, which will help us to develop solutions to […]

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