Author: Picco G. (eds.)
Year: 2007
Publisher: Franco Angeli, Milano
Pages: 368
Language: Italian
Abstract: After more than ten years since the birth of the global and strategic terrorism (Al Qaeda type) or at least since its expression, can we draw a conclusion, even a temporary one, about the produced consequences and an assessment of the subsistence of its premises?
The first part of the issue – an analysis of global terrorism – seeks to answer questions such as: when is global terrorism born? why is it born? after little more than a decade, can we see any successes?
The second part – an evaluation of the tools to build peace – explores the plurality of peacemaking models, which can have a different efficacy, depending on the level of the terrorist conflict.
The third part explores the hypothesis that the new role of Europe is to ensure the resolution of conflicts by means of a process based 1) on the negotiation process, 2) on an active bystander function, including tables and peace conferences where competitors and bystanders gather, 3) on an appropriate economic policy, 4) on an offer of interposition military forces and police, 5) on the search for the elements that unite the contenders rather than those who can express policies of a European expanding power.