Title: Pace e pacificatori. Idee, azioni, strategie di pacifisti, pacifici, uomini quotidiani, strateghi di popoli, organizzazioni (Peace and peacemakers. Ideas, actions, strategies of peace activists, pacific persons, ordinary men, people strategies, organisations) – Futuribili 1-2
Author: Gasparini A. (eds.)
Year: 2002
PublisherFranco Angeli, Milano
Pages: 416
Language: Italian

Abstract: “Polysemics of peace” (Part I) deals with the meanings that operators and theorists of the peace process elaborate through actions and many scientific disciplines declare.
“Peace and Violence” (Part II) compares the ideas and readings of “how to interrupt the circuits of violence in interethnic relations”.
“Conflicts and solutions” (Part III) concern the methods for conflict resolution.
The fourth part presents some concrete way to peace: the proposal of the ‘Centro Studi e Iniziative’ from Danilo Dolci, the utopia of ‘Nomadelfia’ from don Zeno Saltini, ‘Transcend’ developed by Johan Galtung, but also other possible routes.
