Author: Pellizzoni L. (ed.)
Year: 2007
Publisher: ISIG, DSU University of Trieste
Pages: 399
Language: Italian
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Abstract: The book presents a part of the work carried out under a Community Initiative program Interreg III A, Cross-Border Adriatic, called “MAre Hadriaticum Local Democracy Cross-Border NETwork” (“Malhdenet), which involved a variety of partners on both sides of the Adriatic.
The partners interested directly in the scientific research objectives of the project are: the Department for Historical and Political Studies of the University of Padua; the Department for Planning of the Iuav University of Venice, the Department for Human Sciences of the University of Trieste; the Institute of International Sociology of Gorizia-ISIG. This book collects the work done by the research groups of the four institutions, which share an approach to local democracy issues which pays particular attention to the practices, the processes, the way in which politics and society reorganize regardless the institutional architecture.
The case studies are divided into three main blocks of content: local democracy practical tests; local democracy between model and action; participation networks in Friuli Venezia Giulia.
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