Title: La previsione. Idee, protagonisti, nodi problematici (Forecasting. Ideas, leading actors and problematic questions) – Futuribili 1
Author: Barbieri Masini E. (ed.)
Year: 1994
Publisher: Franco Angeli, Milano
Pages: 224
Language: Italian

Summary: Somewhere is written that thinking about the future is a moral duty and this is especially true at a time when the problems involving humanity are of a magnitude hard to imagine in the past.
Futuribili revives to provide a space for debate, also through the exchange of experiences and opinions.
In the present first issue, people from different countries and world visions show how important is one of the fundamental principles of the future studies: the possible futures are many and alternative to each other, and as such must be able to make room for an always increasing number of visions.
